We provide a price list of our products on request based on the size of any order. Please feel free to send us an inquiry by email.
Yes, but only after certain modifications. Please contact our technical support for further information regarding this complexity.
Our units use GPRS or NB-IOT modem and data transmission is via mobile internet connection. For this reason, a SIM card with mobile data is required.
Each project has a customer-assigned administrator who can add users and change their permissions.
Yes, just provide a map and its exact geographical coordinates.
Yes, just add the communication protocol specification and redirect the data sending to the Automatic Sensing portal.
Yes, just provide the data in a machine-readable format (CSV, Excel,…).
Yes, just provide the specification of your desired property and then agree on a specific implementation.
The system is compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge in their modern versions.